tisdag 18 januari 2011

Damn you, clouds!

It's raining, it's foggy and very cloudy, so no UFO today I'm afraid. A kind user over at the Swedish forum Loading.se edited one of the better pictures. This could be done only because it was the original RAW images. This is the result of editing the file DSC_0221.jpeg :

There are only 3 light sources on the picture. Two stars (one blending in with the objects reflection) and one in the bottom left corner. The rest is just static. These pictures were taken with the camera pointing straight up. You can (well, not so much in the edited picture) make out a beam from one of the searchlights (spotlights that move are apparently called searchlights *shrugs*) hitting nothing, then hitting the previously empty spot which creates a reflection, then hitting nothing again. This repeats a couple of times, and as the cloud cover gets thicker the object becomes increasingly harder to spot.

Someone suggested it being a reflection from a satellite, and I'll definitely look into that. In the mean time, here's a longer and unedited video of that first wonderful yet somewhat terrifying UFO sighting which started it all.

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