Man this cold is really taking it's toll on me. Tired all the time, sniffling away. Guh...
No UFO yesterday, despite perfect weather. Put up a new video on my YouTube account, but let me warn you, it's not great. It's basically a camera with really bad light sensitivity, showing the reflection of the thing a couple of times. I won't even bother linking the video 'cause it's so bad. Still, it's my first UFO vid, so I'll hang on to it anyway. =)
Trying to find a place Other than a hotel to live in for a month is turning out harder than I expected. I have high hopes for this great looking place I'm gonna go look at today, 'cause the last two places I looked at were.... well, let's just say I don't even think places that crummy exist in Sweden. The second one (the non pot one) wanted 1500 bucks for a months stay. "First and last" she kept repeating like a mantra. *rolleyes*
Gonna try and see if I can't find any good settings for my monster camera, as it turned out to be quite useless if you didn't know your way around it. It has like 30 buttons anyway. That's it for now. Watch the skies! /Mulder
Edit: Oh yeah, almost forgot! I'm gonna try and construct a crude sextant, an old instrument used in the old days to navigate the seas. It basically calculates the angle of stars and the direction they're in. I need that data from the UFO to triangulate it's position. If the sextant I'm going to make is accurate enough I'll be able to determine the height of the phenomenon, the size and the position it's hovering over on a map.
I've also been working on (don't laugh now =P) a communication "language" using only one point of light. Basically it's like morse code, but with math. So 3 long, 2 short, 2 long, 1 short, 5 long would mean "3+2=5". The long ones are always numbers, and the short ones are signs like + - * / =. Even if it's not apparent what the short ones mean at first, if you just keep making examples like the one above, any intelligent being that understands math should be able to crack the (very simple) code. You could even ask questions using this method. If you've stated at least 3 examples and given the answer, on the 4th time you could just leave out the answer and hope you get one from the UFO.
Hehe, but that assumes it's actually an intelligently controlled craft, and we're not quite there yet.
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