fredag 28 januari 2011

Accusations met

If you want you can check out my Youtube profile for some drama that went on between Shiver and me. He accused me of stealing his thoughts, basically, using foul language and... yeah, just accusing me of being a thief and a liar. What he didn't count on was that I had proof that I didn't lie, so now he's out there with his pants down and it's all his fault.

Notice it's a 2 parter. Watch his video first, then part 1 then part 2 (duh).

Edit: This guy just doesn't know when to quit. When he finally saw the proof I had of me making all the correct conclusions myself, what does he do? Accuses me of forging it. So I prove I couldn't possibly have forged it, and he gets mad and still won't stop with the accusations. At this point he's just a rambling old man on the street corner. Credibilty: Zero.

Moving along.

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